in our moments of nothingness we might crave chaotic excitement - but in our moments of chaotic excitement we might crave moments of nothingness....
summer and light the time of action - winter and darkness the time of dreaming and creativity where poems are born
timelessness of unconscious consciousness versus limitations of man made time constructs that rule the waking hours - some of us need more time drifting growing developing - not yet developed enough to project our unconscious into consciousness
pulled from conscious wakefulness to sleep in unconscious infinity between the stars and sea - why is progress so slow
stretching....growing - new branches of self - endlessly reaching for more
growth spurts and hard pruning back....frustration at waiting.....for sun and rain and right patience acceptance
i will blow away like a leaf on the wind free from all unpleasant ties
refuse to wear an age label....make the most of your wisdom but forget the numbers - they are just another way of stuffing us into boxes and slapping labels of expectations on us - time/age measured by man-made constructions....we flow endlessly
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