Saturday 10 October 2020

Unsettled #worldmentalhealthday2020

I am not things are mostly still in boxes on the shelves - I leave wrapping and labels on pictures etc on the walls - I daren't get rid of boxes because I know I’ll need them for moving again - I just don’t know where or when - it takes me days, weeks, or months to complete any little chore even though I imagine it all in my mind for ages - like living in slower and slower motion - I keep tv on in the living room and laptop on next to the bed all night a lot of the time at low level volume - doesn’t matter what’s on there - it’s just this state of not belonging and not connecting - a friend who writes poetry recently posted a poem about being alone and sleeping on sheet-less mattress with cover less quilt with sink full of unwashed pots and that’s my life exactly - not because I want it that way but because when you're struggling alone a properly made bed and washed pots are a luxury - it’s not easy to care for yourself with lack of energy and depression - but I always care for my foxes though - no matter what x

Sunday 12 November 2017

A Trumpet of Sedition: How I write, Why I write-John Rees

A Trumpet of Sedition: How I write, Why I write-John Rees: I approach writing pretty much as I approach any public activity. For the longest time I seem to have woken up in the morning with the th...

Saturday 15 July 2017

AAV: Tony Blair is trying to help the Tories by attacki...

AAV: Tony Blair is trying to help the Tories by attacki...: Tony Blair has come out swinging at Jeremy Corbyn again, insinuating that his economic policies would somehow be worse for the country th...

Saturday 8 July 2017

Saturday 17 June 2017

Unedited footage of Jeremy Corbyn's visit to Grenfell Tower

Ishmail speaks reality to a sky news presenter GTR

Grenfell Tower: The Death of Neoliberalism 15/06/2017

scarred, charred
looming large in a landscape
of extraordinary wealth and excruciating poverty
a terrifying spectre
of a neoliberal agenda
that determines who should live
and who should die....
an ideology for so long hidden away
we didn't even know it's name....
a secret of the wealthy
for the wealthy
by the wealthy...
a secret they didn't want to share
a secret you wouldn't want to share....
a secret you/we wouldn't want to be a part of
if you/we actually knew what it was....
a secret of wealth and greed
as opposed to austerity and need
how they laughed in the house of commons
as they signed away
the rights of the disabled
the sick and the old...
how they cheered as they cut away and slashed
welfare and the NHS...
they thought they could get away with it
they thought we'd never fight back
But now there stands a monument
of their guilt and shame
a giant burnt out blackened reminder
of what they failed to do for us
a monument to those sacrificed
to appease their vile greedy appetites
symbolic of
the death of neoliberalism
created of their greed and neglect
and our rage and anger
a death blackened skeleton
but they can't put out
the flames of our anger
we will rise and rise again
and keep on rising
until they are gone